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2023 weight loss

2023 weight loss

If you are starting (or returning to) a weight loss journey in 2023- please read ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


One of the biggest realisations that I came to on my weight loss journey, which helped to take back control of my life, was the realisation that I was suffering from a disordered eating issue. This meant that my eating patterns were erratic and literal chaos, and until I learnt to manage those, I would keep going in circles, due to going from periods of being extremely regimented, to having zero self-control.

I would constantly find myself going from one end of the spectrum- where I would count every thing, never deviate (even slightly) from the diet plan, that I was following, to the complete opposite end of the spectrum- where I would be binging, mindlessly eating anything I could lay my hands on, and demonstrating no willpower, at all.
And going from such extremes in this way, not only played havoc with my metabolism and waistline, it also massively impacted my mental health, and left me in a constant state of depression, and anxiety, due to both ends of the spectrum leaving me consumed by food, and mentally drained from my behaviour.

And this went on for years!! And reason why this issue was prevalent for so many years, was because the slimming groups/diet plans/PT coaching that I was using for weight loss, taught about balancing nutrition, but never extensively taught me how to balance my behaviour. Ok they loosely covered habit change. But they never covered impulse control, emotional/mental management, or taught behavioural intervention techniques, because they worked from the science of weight loss (eat less, move more), and not from the psychology of weight loss. But the reality was that, I needed to use an approach that included both, in order to transition from disordered eating, to intuitive and intentional eating. And no amount of calorie/syn/points counting, working out, and using ‘healthy habit swaps’ was going to achieve that.
And because this was not factored in to the methods I used, I never achieved any long lasting and significant results, because the core issues of my weight were still present.

Once I came to finally realise, that I needed more from a weight loss system then I had received, and I implemented an emotional/behavioural management system in place (along with a weight loss nutrition plan), things really began to genuinely change.

My eating habits improved, my behaviour completely transformed, and this time, when I lost weight, I lost it permanently.

If you are currently on a weight loss journey (or have been, and you are returning to it), and you are struggling to stay consistent, sustain your losses for longer than a few months, and to keep your eating habits in check, then the system you are using is not sufficient enough for your weight loss needs. FACT!!!

So instead of repeating the same old patterns, to only achieve the same old temporary results, why not actually give yourself a chance to succeed on a permanent level? Why not make 2023 the year that you FINALLY achieve your weight loss goals?

After all this time, you deserve that ❤️

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