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I can freely admit, that at the beginning of my weight loss journey, when I researched practices and techniques that were beneficial to weight loss, there were a few that I felt skeptical about. Visualization, and affirmations being the main ones.


so many people raved about these practices, and credited their success to them, and I knew that I needed an open mind, so I did some research.
I soon discovered that visualisation had been used by both ancient, and modern cultures all across the world, for many years. And with great results. The mind is a very powerful machine, and is the creator of the body that you desire> So once you can create a clear image in your mind of how you want to look and feel, you can create the reflection of that image in the mirror. But there is a secret key to visualisation- you must attach feelings to that mental image.
This helps to stimulate you RAS (as explained in the Power Plan), and amps up your driving force.
With anything in life, the things that we desire we visualise first. It is a natural mental process, but so many do not understand the power of visualisation, or how to use it. It is not enough to just visualise the life you desire, or the person you want to become. To manifest these images into life, you must visualise yourself living it, with specific details. The power is 100% in those details. You need to mentally create the image with each and every detail included, and start to focus on that image, and the way it would play into your life. And remember, this isn’t ‘magical thinking’, it is a process that stimulates motivation and drive.
A good example of this process, is to not think about your goal in a literal sense (like a number on the scales), but in a visual sense. Consider the way you would like to look, and then give that vision enough detail, to bring it to life. What style clothes would you choose to compliment your new shape? What colours would you choose to now wear? Create an outfit (from head to toe), that you would feel confident and happy in. Now bring that to life with emotion. Imagine yourself walking into a party in that outfit. Picture yourself walking into that room with confidence. Actually visualise yourself walking through the room, as people double take at you. Feel that sense of pride you would feel if you were to walk into a bar, without feeling self-aware, or with the desire to retreat back to the comfort of your own home. Really try to engage in these emotions, as it will help to deeply embed those images into your mind, which can act as a powerful intervention tool, when self-control may slip.
This entire process can literally alter your physiology. Your body, and mind will react to your thoughts and emotions, in a positive and powerful way, which will release ‘feel good’ hormones, which will play a huge part in you achieving your body goals.
Visualisation is one the most powerful tools there is, in succeeding at achieving your goals in life. But there is a skill in how to use it. You must not see the vision in the distance ahead of you, you must bring this vision in your mind’s eye, so that it is next to you. Do not just focus on the far future, bring it into your mind space now, up close and within reach, and use it for more than just how you look. Visualise your dream home, your car, the holidays you want and the joy this life will bring you. Be playful and enthusiastic. It may seem hard at first if this is a new concept to you, but the more you practise this process, the stronger you will become. Some of the most powerful and affluent people in this world credit the process of visualisations and affirmations, for their success.

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