My own personal transformation story
October 20, 2020 2023-07-06 16:00My own personal transformation story

From morbidly obese, desperate & depressed to powerful, healthy, happy and successful.
My name is Sabrina Simmons and I am a Transformation Therapist, and the creator of The Powerhouse Guide. And if anyone can understand the desire for change and to transform their life, I can.
I once suffered form severe depression and anxiety, was morbidly obese (due to a severe binge-eating disorder), unemployed, depressed and felt like there was no end to the miserable rut that I had found myself stuck in.
Even though I knew my health was deteriorating fast (I had been diagnosed with blood clots and was pre-diabetic), and I was having regular migraines due to stress, I just could not find the mental strength or will to change.
I was unemployed (due to my poor physical and mental health), broke and full of regret and despair as I reclusively hid away from the world, and watched others live full, healthy and happy lives.
I had also found myself in a toxic and unhappy relationship, in which we just enabled each others addictions (mine food and his alcohol), and I just continuously sank further and further into oblivion.
On the rare occasion that I did venture out with my friends (usually for a special event, such as a birthday) I would need to drink copious amounts of wine, in order to find enough confidence to leave my house. And I knew that if I didn't change my life soon, I wouldn't have a very long life, but no matter how many times I tried, nothing ever stuck. I would always end up back to square one feeling desperate, depressed, powerless and helpless.

I would love to say that my ability to change came from one of those ever elusive 'light switch' moments. You know, the one when people say 'oh something just clicked for me'. But that wasn't the case for me (and if I'm honest I don't believe that ever really happens for anyone, and this is covered in detail in the learning system).
For me my catalyst for change came from a series of moments of feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired, and making a foolish and desperate mistake because of those feelings.
In a desperate bid to look and feel better, I brought illegal diet tablets which resulted in developing a blood clot, and led to me being hospitalized.
I will forever remember the look on my loved ones faces when they visited my hospital bed. And the sad and frightened look in my daughters eyes still haunts me to this day.
I cried for three days solid, and felt like I had gone below even rock bottom. I knew enough was enough. But I also knew that it was going to be a long road of recovery, so I just prayed for the strength to do it.
So I had made the decision to change my life (still with no clue how to do it), but I had started reading a book about CBT Therapy during my hospital stay which I found in the hospital gift shop, and it had started to resonate enough with me to make me decide that once I was feeling better, I would begin the process of change. BUT.... life had other ideas.
On the very same day that I was released from hospital, I received a letter from my landlord informing me that they were selling the property, and needed us to leave.
My instant reaction was 'why does this crap always happen to me?!' and I felt myself sinking into a low spot once again, but then I remembered a section that I had read in the CBT book about how your perceptions of things determine your reality, and I decided that if I wanted to change my reality, I need to change my perceptions. And decided see this news as an opportunity for a fresh start, instead of a negative experience.
I explained to my then partner that I felt our relationship had become toxic for both us and our children, and announced that when it was time to move, we'd be moving into separate properties to bring our relationship to an end.
And this was the start of my transformation journey. I'd like to say it was easy and quick, but I'm here to help you, not lie to you so I wont.
What I will say, was that it was completely worth it.
I found a passion for psychology, health and behavioral studies and I read as many books, learnt as many practices, and used as many tools as I could to transform my life. I then tool all of those learnings and I qualified in all of those fields to develop a guide that can now help others. I've gone from an insecure anxious person that hid from the world, to someone that fully embraces life, lives life to the max, and I've even delivered seminars, and body empowerment sessions to hundreds of people . All because of a truly transformative process, which I now pass on to you.

My Acheivements
Lost 118lbs (to date), overcome my binge eating disorder, vastly improve my mental health and became healthier then I have ever been.
Became a Transformation Therapist
Created The Powerhouse Transformation Guide
I studied and qualified in all of the areas that had featured in my transformation journey, to add credibility to my dream of helping others.
My Qualifications
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) PRACTITIONER
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) PRACTITIONER
EMT (exercise to music) INSTRUCTOR
EFT (emotional freedom therapy) TAPPING PRACTITIONER