Author: POWERHOUSE - The Ultimate Transformation Guide

News and updates


Without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges that I had to face, during the process of changing my body, mind and life, was to learn how to get out of ‘survival mode’, and transition into ‘thrive mode’. The reason why it …

News and updates

Weight loss, calorie counting and food freedom.

Weight loss, calorie counting and food freedom. I firmly believe that permanent weight loss requires the ability to achieve mental and emotional freedom, when it comes to nutrition. Diets will achieve short term success. BUT long term success requires the ability to …

Weight loss habits

I often talk about the psychology of weight loss, but the science aspect is crucial too. There are some small, manageable but effective changes, and habits that you can make to your daily nutrition routine, that can massively increase your metabolism, and …

Yo-yo dieting

THINGS SLIMMING GROUPS DON’T TELL YOU- If you are a yo-yo dieter and you struggle to lose weight consistently, this information is crucial- You categorically cannot lose weight permanently, if you are in a conflicted state, and here’s why- When you are …

The keys to permanent weight loss.

THINGS THAT SLIMMING GROUPS DON’T TELL YOU- part 7 Numerous and extensive studies have been carried out over many years on people of all ages, economical backgrounds, and destinations to discover the common denominators in those that achieved permanent weight loss. These …

The holidays are coming.

In just over 10 weeks, the festive period will be upon us. This often means for most, that a reoccurring pattern sets in- Overindulge -> Weight gain -> Guilt and regret -> New year diet -> Loss of momentum -> Back to …

You can wish for it, or you can work for it!

Picture 1 mentality- WISHED FOR IT! Picture 2 mentality- WORKED FOR IT! The biggest shift in my mentality during my weight loss journey, came from being a person that wished for it, to a person that worked for it. I used to …

The time passes anyway.

Something that I can categorically tell you (from personal experience, and helping others), is that the time and energy that it takes to change your life, and begin to invest in your physical and mental health, is NOTHING in comparison to the …

Stepping to success!

When I decided to step back in to my weight loss journey again, I decided to take a different approach. I always used to work out quite heavily, and would hit the gym at least 4 times per week. But I had …

Slow & steady, wins the race.

Slow and steady wins the race!! I’ve recently hit another milestone. Since I’ve been back on my plan (16 weeks) I’ve hit (and passed) my 1 stone mark. Which means I’ve lost on average, around a pound a week (and 120lbs now …

Website launch

I am so excited to finally be launching my website. It has long been my dream to help others to achieve weight loss freedom, and become empowered within their bodies, minds and lives. As someone that has struggled personally myself with my …