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The difference between those that achieve permanent weight loss success, and those that don’t.

The difference between those that achieve permanent weight loss success, and those that don’t.

When it comes to weight loss, and the statistics linked to the current weight loss industry, it has been proven that globally, only 20% of people that embark on a weight loss journey, achieve long term success.

The other 80% have been proven to regain more than half the weight lost, within 12months.

So what is the fundamental differences between these 2 groups of people?

Group A- the 20% group- meta analyse studies showed that this particular group were mainly overweight, due to the following issues-

* Unhealthy lifestyle/habits

* Lack of nutritional knowledge

* Lack of a well structured routine

* Lack of motivation

* Portion control

* Social and economical factors

(All things resolvable with the current weight loss approach- hence why they are the successful group).

Group B- the 80% group on the other hand, showed all of the above. But also, more deep-set causes, such as- Mental, Emotional and behavioural disorders. This can lead to-

* Self- sabotage

* Low self- esteem

* Emotional avoidance issues

* Disordered eating patterns

* Inherited restrictive weight loss beliefs

* Emotional attachments to food

* Cognitive dissonance

* Mental blocks

* Defeatist mentality

(None of which, can be resolved without MEB (Mental, Emotional, Behavioural management. And because the weight loss industry is not equipped to deliver this, this group fail to succeed).

So unless you are a part of Group A (20%), you are wasting your time, going back time and time again to your go-to methods.

And if you’re curious as to which group you call into, it’s simple-

If you have been on a weight loss journey for more than a year (consistently or intermittently), and you have not achieved your goal, then you are undeniably in Group B, and in need of a more comprehensive approach.

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