The truth will set you free!
January 6, 2023 2023-02-01 14:27The truth will set you free!
Yesterday, I had a conversation with someone I have known for years, who was saying that she was fed up with how she looked, and going back to her slimming group because “it works for her”. Now I have a pretty good relationship with this person (she’s been coming to my classes for years), so I asked her if I could be honest with her. And explained that I genuinely believe I could help her, but that she would need to understand, that she was wrong. And that her slimming group did not work for her.
She expressed that she felt it does, because every time she has done it, she’s lost weight.
I then had to explain, that this means it works for her on a ‘short term basis’, but not as a long term solution.
Because here’s the thing with weight loss which causes a lot of confusion (and lack of success)-
if you follow a plan (like this lady did with her slimming group), achieve success, but regain weight when you stop following that plan (80% of people that embark on a weight loss journey), then you are using a ‘short-term method’ for weight loss. FACT!
HOWEVER- if you implement a system (like Powerhouse), which isn’t a set diet plan, but instead, a complete system for internal and external transformation, which involves behaviour management, nutrition education, mind conditioning, intervention techniques- then you will achieve life long success, because it takes into consideration, and offers the right management, to the reasons why you stopped following the above plan (life changes, routine shifts, social commitments, unexpected stresses, relationship changes, grief).
The cold hard truth, is that if you have been using a certain group/method intermittently for years, and you have STILL not managed to maintain those losses, then it categorically does not work for you. Not permanently at least.
And the reality is that, no matter how many times you think ‘this time I’ll do better’, the fundamental reasons why you stopped attending/using that plan before, WILL arise again. This is simple because-
1- life happens, it always does and always will. And a short-term plan ALWAYS comes to a halt, when it inevitably does.
2- you haven’t worked on your emotional/behavioural issues, that cause self-sabotage, inconsistent effort, discipline and self-control. And you haven’t learnt how to manage your behaviour/emotions, during the occurrences listed above, because those methods do not include those crucial key elements.
And you will continue to repeat the same patterns.
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always had”.
You cannot expect that ”this time will be different”, when you aren’t actually doing anything different to achieve different results. But this isn’t your fault, to date, this has been the only process for weight loss. There hasn’t been a system that goes against that grain, and is more comprehensive/effective then what you are used to.
Until now!! So if you are ready for genuine, and transformative change, that will last for LIFE! Inbox me for more details.