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Weekends can be an asset to your goals, or they can be a set back.

The reason why most people predominantly struggle, or fall behind on the weekends, is because they haven’t yet created a ”weekly balance”.

This means they are extremely disciplined and regimented (sometimes to the point of deprivation) Monday to Friday, and by the weekend they (naturally) want to relax, and loosen the reigns a little. The only issue with that, is that they’ve yet to install strong self-control. And because of the lack of this, they go mental, and massively overindulge, and struggle to identify a ‘cut-off’ point.

This is something that I too have been guilty of in the past, and because of this I’ve experienced a serious of lack of progress. This is due to the fact that all of the good work that I had done in the week, got cancelled out by my weekend activities. But I needed the weekend release, because I was working myself into the ground all week.

The key to progressively moving forward, is to have a balanced week. To have a routine that serves your goals, but that also supports your need to have mental freedom, so that when the weekend arrives, you aren’t feeling as though you’re chomping at the bit, to break away from your weekly routine (which now feels like a prison).

The Powerhouse system not only includes a weight loss nutrition plan, that is designed to create freedom and success, every day of the week on a permanent basis. But it also includes the behaviour tools, to reshape your routine, and recondition the belief that weekends should be this way.

It can help you to completely transform your perception of weight loss, and how you achieve it.

For more info, inbox me for a chat 🥰

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