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You’re never too old, to change your way of thinking.

You’re never too old, to change your way of thinking.

No matter what age you are, your brains chemistry can still be altered.

It used to be believed, that once you reach a certain age, your brain could no longer be further developed or changed (”you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks”)
This has since been proven to be 100% incorrect. No matter what age you are, with mindset development, and cognitive conditioning, you can literally rewire your brain, and alter your brains chemistry. And studies show that this can occur within as little as 90 days, if the right tools and actions are implemented consistently.

90 days!!! Really think about that-
Years of repeating the same patterns, self-sabotage, lack of self-control…… it can all be permanently, dramatically drained in just 90 days, if repeatedly applied.

Now for some people, 90 days may seem like a long time. But really put that in to perspective….
For example- I was morbidly obese, with eating issues, depression, food anxieties and felt worthless, from around the age of 18 (when my issues became really damaging)- to the age of 37 (when I decided to change it all).
That was 6,935 days of my life!!! 😱😰
6,935 days of feeling powerless, unhappy, frustrated, disappointed, overwhelmed and repulsed by my body, and behaviour.
90 days in comparison, seems like a drop in the ocean, and easily doable.
And all of the actions required, to see a mindset reinvention, and a shift in your goal success are all included in the Powerhouse system. And there are multiple tools, so you can try each one, and choose which ones work for you (as we are all different, therefore, respond to different things).

So now ask yourself-

How long will you continue to feel this way?

How many more of your days will you sacrifice, to live in this detrimental state?

When is enough, actually enough?

If after considering this, you feel genuinely ready for deep-rooted change, and a true transformation beyond anything that you have experienced before- inbox me for more details.

90 days ➡️ new life.

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